What are the level 4 maintenance methods and tips for diesel generators?

What are the level 4 maintenance methods and tips for diesel generators?

Stainless Steel Encased Diesel Generator Sets .jpg

Level A detailed maintenance methods:

  1. Daily maintenance:
  2. Check the daily work report of the diesel generator set.
  3. Check the diesel generator set: oil level and coolant level.
  4. Check the diesel generator set daily for damage, leakage, and whether the belt is loose or worn.


  1. Weekly maintenance:
  2. Repeat daily inspection of Class A diesel generator set.
  3. Check the air filter, clean or replace the air filter element.
  4. Drain the water or sediment in the fuel tank and fuel filter.
  5. Check the water filter.
  6. Check the starting battery.
  7. Start the diesel generator set and check whether there is any impact.


Level B detailed maintenance methods:

  1. Repeat the daily inspection of the Class A diesel generator set and the weekly inspection of the diesel generator set.2. Replace the diesel generator oil. (Oil change interval is 250 hours or one month)
  2. Replace the oil filter. (The oil filter replacement interval is 250 hours or one month)
  3. Replace the fuel filter element. (Replacement cycle is 250 hours or one month)
  4. Replace the coolant or check the coolant. (The replacement cycle of the water filter element is 250-300 hours, and add additional coolant DCA to the cooling system)
  5. Clean or replace the air filter. (The air filter replacement cycle is 500-600 hours)

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C-level detailed maintenance methods:

  1. Replace the diesel filter, oil filter, water filter, and replace the water and oil in the water tank.
  2. Adjust the fan belt tension.
  3. Check the supercharger.
  4. Disassemble, inspect and clean the PT pump and actuator.
  5. Disassemble the rocker arm chamber cover and check the T-shaped pressure plate, valve guide and intake and exhaust valves.
  6. Adjust the lift of the oil nozzle; adjust the valve clearance.
  7. Check the charging generator.
  8. Check the water tank radiator and clean the external radiator of the water tank.
  9. Add water tank treasure to the water tank and clean the inside of the water tank.
  10. Check the diesel engine sensor and connecting wires.

Diesel Generator Sets for Coastal Applications.jpg

D-level detailed maintenance methods:

  1. Replace engine oil, diesel, bypass, water filter, replace engine oil and engine circulating water.
  2. Clean or replace the air filter.
  3. Disassemble the rocker arm chamber cover and check the valve guide and T-shaped pressure plate.
  4. Check and adjust the valve clearance.
  5. Replace the upper and lower pads of the rocker arm chamber.
  6. Check the fan and bracket, and adjust the belt.
  7. Check the supercharger.
  8. Check the electrical circuit of the diesel generator set.
  9. Check the excitation circuit of the motor.
  10. Connect the wiring in the measuring instrument box.
  11. Check the water tank and external cleaning.
  12. Repair or replace the water pump.
  13. Disassemble and inspect the main bearing bush and connecting rod bush of the first cylinder for wear.
  14. Check or adjust the working condition of the electronic speed control.
  15. Align the lubricating points of the diesel generator set and inject lubricating grease.
  16. Aim at the excitation part of the diesel generator set for dust removal.
  17. Check the axial and radial clearance of the supercharger. If it is out of tolerance, repair it in time.