What are the operation management of power generation diesel engines

What are the standard operating procedures for diesel generator operation and management?

1.0 Purpose: Standardize the maintenance work of diesel generators, ensure the good performance of diesel generators, and ensure the good operation of diesel generators. 2.0 Scope of application: It is suitable for the repair and maintenance of various diesel generators in Huiri·Yangkuo International Plaza.

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3.0 Responsibilities 3.1 The manager in charge is responsible for reviewing the "Diesel Generator Maintenance Annual Plan" and inspecting the implementation of the plan. 3.2 The head of the engineering department is responsible for formulating the "Annual Plan for Maintenance of Diesel Generators" and organizing and supervising the implementation of the plan. 3.3 The diesel generator administrator is responsible for the daily maintenance of the diesel generator.

4.0 Procedural Points 4.1 Formulation of the "Annual Plan for Maintenance and Maintenance of Diesel Generators" 4.1.1 Before December 15 of each year, the head of the engineering department shall organize the diesel generator administrators to study and formulate the "Annual Plan for Maintenance and Maintenance of Diesel Generators" and Submit to the company for approval.4.1.2 Principles for formulating the "Annual Plan for Maintenance and Maintenance of Diesel Generators": a) Frequency of use of diesel generators; b) Operating status of diesel generators (hidden faults); c) Reasonable time (avoiding holidays and special events) day, etc.). 4.1.3 The "Diesel Generator Maintenance Annual Plan" should include the following contents: a) Maintenance items and contents: b) Specific implementation time of maintenance; c) Estimated costs; d) Spare products and spare parts plan.

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4.2 The maintenance personnel of the engineering department are responsible for the maintenance of external accessories of the diesel generator, and the rest of the maintenance is completed by external entrustment. Maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the "Annual Plan for Maintenance and Maintenance of Diesel Generators".

4.3 Diesel Generator Maintenance 4.3.1 When performing maintenance, pay attention to the relative position and order of detachable parts (mark them if necessary), the structural characteristics of non-detachable parts, and master the force used when reassembly. (Use a torque wrench).4.3.2 The maintenance cycle of the air filter is once every 50 hours of operation: a) Air filter display: When the transparent part of the display appears red, it indicates that the air filter has reached the use limit and should be cleaned or cleaned immediately Replace, after processing, lightly press the button on the top of the monitor to reset the monitor; b) Air filter: ——Loosen the iron ring, remove the dust collector and filter element, and carefully clean the filter element from top to bottom; ——The filter element is not too tight When it is dirty, you can directly blow it with compressed air, but you should pay attention to that the air pressure should not be too high and the nozzle should not be too close to the filter element; - If the filter element is too dirty, clean it with a special cleaning fluid purchased from the agent and use it after use. Blow dry with an electric hot air dryer (be careful not to overheat); - After cleaning, inspection should be carried out. The method of inspection is to use a light bulb to shine from the inside out and observe the outside of the filter element. If there are light spots, it means that the filter element has been perforated. At this time, The filter element of the same type should be replaced; - If no light spots are found, it means that the filter element is not perforated. At this time, the air filter should be installed carefully.4.3.3 The maintenance cycle of the battery is once every 50 hours of operation: a) Use an electroscope to check whether the battery is sufficiently charged, otherwise it should be charged; b) Check whether the battery liquid level is about 15MM on the plate, if it is not enough, add distilled water Go to the above position; c) Check whether the battery terminals are corroded or have signs of sparks. Otherwise, they should be repaired or replaced and coated with butter. 4.3.4 The maintenance cycle of the belt is once every 100 hours of operation: check each belt, and if it is found to be damaged or failed, it should be replaced in time; b) Apply 40N pressure to the middle section of the belt, and the belt should be able to press about 12MM, which is too If it is too loose or too tight, it should be adjusted. 4.3.5 The maintenance cycle of the radiator is once every 200 hours of operation: a) External cleaning: ——Spray clean with hot water (adding detergent), from the front of the radiator to the fan Injection in the opposite direction (if spraying from the opposite direction will only force the dirt into the center), when using this method, use tape to block the diesel generator; - If the above method cannot remove the stubborn deposits, the radiator should be disassembled Soak it in hot alkaline water for about 20 minutes, then rinse with hot water. b) Internal descaling: ——Drain the water from the radiator, and then remove the seal where the radiator is connected to the pipe;--Pour 45 into the radiator. C 4% acid solution, drain the acid solution after 15 minutes, and check the radiator; - If there is still water stain, clean it again with 8% acid solution; - Use 3% alkali after descaling Neutralize the solution twice, and then rinse it with clean water three or more times; ——After all work is completed, check whether the radiator is leaking. If it is leaking, apply for outsourcing repair; ——If it is not leaking, reinstall it. After the radiator is installed, It should be refilled with clean water and added with rust inhibitor. 4.3.6 The maintenance cycle of the lubricating oil system is once every 200 hours of operation; a) Start the diesel generator and let it run for 15 minutes; b) When the diesel engine is overheated, drain the oil from the oil pan plug and use it after draining. 110NM (use a torque wrench) to tighten the bolts, and then add new oil of the same type to the oil pan. The same type of oil should also be added to the turbocharger; c) Remove the two crude oil filters and replace them with two. A new oil filter should be filled with fresh oil of the same type as the one in the machine (the crude oil filter can be purchased from the agent); d) Replace the fine filter element (purchase it from the agent) ), add new engine oil of the same model as the one in the machine.4.3.7 Diesel filter maintenance periodicity: Remove the diesel filter every 200 hours of operation, replace it with a new filter, fill it with new clean diesel, and then install it back. 4.3.8 The maintenance cycle of the rechargeable generator and starter motor is once every 600 hours of operation: a) Clean all parts and bearings, dry them and add new lubricating oil; b) Clean the carbon brushes, if the carbon brushes are worn If the thickness exceeds 1/2 of the new one, it should be replaced in time; c) Check whether the transmission device is flexible and whether the starter motor gear is worn. If the gear wear is serious, you should apply for outsourcing maintenance. 4.3.9 The maintenance cycle of the generator control panel is once every six months. Use compressed air to remove dust inside and tighten each terminal. Rusty or overheated terminals should be processed and tightened.

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4.4 For the disassembly, maintenance or adjustment of diesel generators, the supervisor should fill in the "Outsourcing Maintenance Application Form", and after approval by the manager of the management office and the general manager of the company, it will be completed by the external entrusting unit. 4.5 The maintenance work listed in the plan should be added to the plan as soon as possible by the engineering department supervisor. For sudden diesel generator failures, after verbal approval from the leader of the engineering department, the organization will first organize the solution and then write an "Accident Report" and submit it to the company. 4.6 All the above maintenance work should be clearly, completely and standardizedly recorded in the "Diesel Generator Maintenance Record Form", and after each maintenance, the records should be submitted to the engineering department for archiving and long-term preservation.