What qualifications are required for diesel generator set maintenance

Maintenance qualification Maintenance of diesel generator sets requires corresponding maintenance qualifications,

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which include but are not limited to the following points:


Technical ability and maintenance experience: Applicants need to have certain technical abilities, including a certain understanding of the structure, principles, performance, etc. of diesel generator sets, and be able to perform daily maintenance, fault diagnosis, and troubleshooting. In addition, you also need to master the use of relevant tools and equipment, such as maintenance tools, testing instruments, etc. Applicants need to have certain maintenance experience and be able to independently complete daily maintenance, maintenance, overhaul and other work of diesel generator sets. For companies or individuals applying for maintenance qualifications for the first time, they can accumulate experience by participating in relevant training or internships.


Maintenance technicians: Applicants need to have a certain number of maintenance technicians. These personnel need to undergo relevant training and assessment, and have corresponding technical abilities and professional qualification certificates.


Submit complete application materials: Applicants need to submit complete application materials, including basic information about the company or individual, technical capabilities, maintenance experience, management system, maintenance technicians, etc. These materials need to be true, accurate, and complete to avoid application failure due to incomplete or false materials.

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Business license and other qualification documents: One of the basic conditions that needs to be met when applying for generator maintenance qualifications is having a business license and other qualification documents.


Fixed business premises and necessary maintenance equipment: Applicants need to have a fixed business premises and necessary maintenance equipment.


Professional technicians and skilled workers: Have a certain number of professional technicians and skilled workers.


Quality management system and safety management system: Establish a complete quality management system and safety management system.

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Business reputation and operating performance: Have good business reputation and operating performance.


To sum up, diesel generator set maintenance not only requires technical ability and maintenance experience, but also requires corresponding maintenance technicians and submission of complete application materials, while meeting the laws and regulations on business licenses, business premises, maintenance equipment, and quality management systems. etc. requirements.